Words from the wise:
"In the beginning, the earth was null and vegan
And darkness was on the face of the deep, and God said, "Let there be light" - so that it may grow bacteria to ripen cheese,
And His spirit moved upon the surface of the waters, and saw a raw milk mozzarella.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
There are few things that command respect like cheese, that make me stop
what I'm doing, turn around and listen... for some, the first words of
the bible are like a bugle, repeating a familiar tune that we've heard
enough times that it's no longer a tune, but a chant... echoing through
us and focusing us - to love, to arms, to anywhere.
Cheese tastes like scripture. Like little morsels of perfection borne to
something bigger than us... weathered and ripened in unknown worlds -
tough and hewn, familiar and foreign, melty soft and painfully sharp.
And unbelievably tasty,"
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